What is needed to view the content of this curriculum pack?
You need Adobe Reader to read the PDF files.
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Why do I get warning messages while running the program?
Some operating systems may give you a warning about active content when using this program. The content in this curriculum pack has been tested in LEGO Quality Control and you can safely proceed.
How do I optimize my screen?
The program can run at 800x600 pixels but you can benefit from running the program at larger screen resolutions if it is supported by your system.
Can I use the content in my own material and presentations?
Yes you can for non-commercial purposes. The native format of the content is PDF. Use Windows Explorer (Windows) or Finder (Mac) to browse the curriculum pack for the PDF-files you want to use.
Can I print the content of this curriculum pack?
The PDF files in this curriculum pack have been optimized for printing in color and black and white. To print, click the printer icon when viewing PDF content.
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