Moti's Pizza Bar

Le Catering

Table Setting

About Moti's Pizza Bar

since 1889

Moti's Pizza Bar start only because Moti love to pizza hes first Branch start in italy in roma after 1991 the Branch was very popular and alot of people love this place moti decide to open anthoer Branch in Paris .Moti's passion for this pizza is what caused the branches to be popular and the pizzas to be amazing


We offer full-service catering for any event, large or small. We understand your needs and we will cater the food to satisfy the biggerst criteria of them all, both look and taste. Do not hesitate to contact us.

Catering Service, 42nd Living St, 43043Itay,roma

You can also contact us by phone 00553123-2323 or email MotiPizzaBar@Pizza.Bar, or you can send us a message here: