About operator
Photo of Glaz:
Glaz is a medium speed attacker with medium armor.
smoke grenade:
amount: x2
Grenade that emits smoke which obscures vision.
amount: x1
the claymore explodes whenever an enemy walks past it.
Unique Gadget:
Flip sight:
Amount: unlimited
When ever Glaz has the flip sight on he can see the heat of the enemy's body and he can also see through a smoke screen.
primary weapon #1
the OTs-03 without any attachments
Semi-automatic long range rifle with a very small magazine. Used by Spetsnaz.
secondary weapon #1
the GSh-18 without any attachments
Spetsnaz 9mm short range semi-automatic pistol, with low recoil and low damage.
secondary weapon #2
the PMM without any attachments
9mm short range hand gun with high stopping power, favored by Spetsnaz.
Operator video: